

High Energy Physics. Theoretical and Experimental Challenges.

The topics of the workshop:

Predictions, Observations, Challenges:

  • Relativistic collisions of Hadrons. Dense and Hot matter. Phase transitions.

  • New physics signatures. Multi-differential production cross-sections.

  • Hadronization. Mass generation. Current and Near future. Challenges

  • HEP techniques applications

 The workshop will consist of invited and contributed talks.

The invited talks will introduce the proposed contribution of the Ukraine into the European Strategy in Partcle Physics (ESPP).

Contributed talks will provide an opportunity for researchers to present the achieved results as well as an outlook on challenges and ways of their possible solution.


  • Tuesday, January 21
    • Session INVITED TALKS. “Ukraine for ESPP Update-2025”
      Convener: Valery Pugatch (Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(KINR))
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        Welcome addrsses
        Speaker: Valery Pugatch
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        “70 years Anniversary of CERN. Ukraine at CERN ” - TBC
        Speaker: Anatoliy Zagorodnyy (President of the NAS Ukraine)
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        Overview of the proposed contribution of Ukraine to European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2025 (ESPP) - TBC
        Speaker: Borys Grynyov (Institute for Scintillation Materials NAS of Ukraine)
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        What’s Next in Particle Physics? – Experimental Perspective

        Over the last five decades, many outstanding questions in particle physics have been answered, leading to the Standard Model (SM) and its spectacular confirmation with the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, which would supply the heart to this theory. Now the hunt is on for a deeper theory of reality. To answer this question, Europe, Japan, the US and China have proposed plans for building new particle colliders focused on studying the Higgs boson. Higgs’ legacy will be the experimental particle physics programme of the 21st century. The open questions of today are just as profound as they were a century ago. However, there appears to be many more of them. Recent discoveries of the Higgs boson and Gravitational waves required increasingly sophisticated instrumentation and have created an exceptionally positive environment in society. Thus, we have a “virtuous cycle” which must remain strong and un-broken – laws of nature enable novel detector and accelerator concepts, which in turn lead to a greater physics discoveries and better understanding of our Universe.

        Particle physics is now entering a new era. As the scale and the cost of the frontier colliders increases, while the timescale for projects is becoming longer, fewer facilities can be realized. Moreover, several high-energy physics (HEP) laboratories becoming multi-purpose ones. The pursuit of ever-higher energies will surely be one of the future directions of particle physics; the course will depend on whether one can continue to contain the cost of future colliders in the current worldwide environment. We must take a holistic view of particle physics - whether we find Beyond Standard Model physics at the LHC or not - and select the path to follow in a prudent manner, while maintaining HEP accelerator laboratories and expertize in all regions. Our culture and management structure must evolve to confront these challenges.

        Speaker: Dr Maxim Titov
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        Financial support of the Ukrainian researchers along ESPP by the National Research Foundation Ukraine S.I. Vilchinsky - TBC
        Speaker: Stanislav Vilchinskii (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
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        Physics studies at the FCC (e+ e-) and FCC(hh) - TBC
        Speaker: Mark Gorenstein (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics NAS of Ukraine)
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        Spin correlations of quarks and leptons at high energies, and top-quark entanglement at the LHC - TBC
        Speaker: Alexander Korchin (National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology)
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        Until 1993, the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology was the largest scientific center in Ukraine where nuclear physics research was conducted using beams of γ-quanta, electrons, protons, and other charged particles. The institute had a number of unique accelerator facilities: the largest linear accelerators in Europe, LU-2000 and LU-300, the H-100 storage facility, and a number of lower energy accelerators. A large team of highly qualified specialists in nuclear and accelerator physics was formed at the institute. After 1993, the production of klystrons for our accelerators was eliminated in Russia, and large accelerator facilities were shut down and it was impossible to resume their operation. Experimental work, which is the basis of nuclear physics research, practically stopped, and researchers were forced to transfer their research to other facilities outside Ukraine or retrain. The absence of “live” work primarily led to the outflow of young specialists from this field of research and the aging of personnel.
        Currently, there are only four electron accelerators in Ukraine: the 10 MeV LU-10 technological accelerator, the 30 MeV LU-30 accelerator, the LU-40 accelerator at KIPT, which were restored after damage, and the 25 MeV M-30 microtron at the Institute of Electron Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Uzhhorod.
        In connection with this, it became necessary to create a new state program for the development of fundamental and applied nuclear physics research using accelerators and electron storage facilities, as well as a multifunctional accelerator complex for its implementation, which were emphasized in 2022 in [1,2].
        In 2023, a monograph was published [3], which outlined the concept of the complex. This conceptual project was based on the ideas for the development of accelerator technologies laid down in the European Strategy for Particle Physics - Accelerator R&D Roadmap [4]. The strategy is a roadmap for the development of accelerators in Europe in the next 5-10 years. These accelerator technologies may be used in the future in the implementation of the FCC(hh) project.
        A general view of the recirculator, which is the basis of the accelerator complex, is shown in Figure 1. The beam with a maximum energy of 560 MeV can be used for nuclear physics research and studies of interaction with crystal structures. This beam can also be injected into a storage ring, a source of synchrotron radiation, and used in a free-electron laser. The beam output channels with energy of 380 and 210 MeV make it possible to conduct nuclear physics research and create a pulsed neutron source. Applied research using the interaction of electrons and positrons can be performed on beam output channels with a maximum energy of 29 MeV. In subsequent publications [5-8], the main characteristics of electron, positron, and neutron beams on the output channels to physical facilities were considered.
        Taking into account that almost all accelerator specialists in Ukraine are currently concentrated at KIPT, there is hope that, with the necessary funding, the complex can be created in a short time on the basis of the latest accelerator technologies with a phased launch of the facility. The work of the Faculty of Physics and Technology at the KIPT will allow to involve teachers, graduate students and students of the Faculty in the creation of the facility.
        Representatives of KIPT participated in the development of positron beam injection systems in the CLIC, ILC, and FCC projects [9,10], but it is impossible to predict the participation of our scientists in the development of these accelerators in the future without the revival of the technical base of nuclear physics research in Ukraine and, on its basis, the school of specialists in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and accelerators.

        Figure 1

        1. M.F. Shul'ga, G.D. Kovalenko, V.B. Ganenko, L.G. Levchuk, S.H. Karpus, I.L. Semisalov. Concept of the state targeted NSC KIPT program of experimental base development for basic and applied research in nuclear and high-energy physics and physics of radiation interaction with matter. // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Nuclear Physics Investigations”. № 3,139, 2022, p. 3-6.
        2. M.F. Shul'ga, G.D. Kovalenko, I.S. Guk, P.I. Gladkikh, F.A. Peev, Conceptual project of the NSC KIPT nuclear physics complex for basic and applied research in the field of nuclear physics, high energy physics and interaction of radiation with substance // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2022. №5(141), р. 55-59.
        3. М.Ф. Шульга, Г.Д. Коваленко, І.С. Гук, П.І. Гладких, Ф.А. Пєєв Багатофункціональний прискорювальний комплекс ННЦ ХФТІ MAC NSC KIPT PROJECT, Харків: ННЦ ХФТІ, 2023. – 92 с.
        4. N. Mounet (ed.). European Strategy for Particle Physics - Accelerator R&D Roadmap, CERN, 2022, 260 p.
        5. M.F. Shulga, G.D. Kovalenko, I.S. Guk, P.I. Gladkikh, F.A. Peev Magneto-optical structure of the multifunctional accelerator complex NSC KIPT Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2023. №3(145), р. 84-87.
        6. M.F. Shulga, G.D. Kovalenko, I.S. Guk, P.I. Gladkikh, D.Yu. Shakhov Optimization of the focusing lattice of the magneto-optical structure of the multifunctional accelerator complex NSC KIPT // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2024. №3(151), р. 50-54.
        7. G.D. Kovalenko, I.S. Guk, P.I. Gladkikh Neutron source based on the multifunctional accelerator complex of the NSC KIPT Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2023. № 6(148), р. 154-160.
        8. P.I. Gladkikh, I.S. Guk, G.D. Kovalenko, O.O. Parkhomenko, S.I. Prokhorets, E.V. Rudychev Positron sources of the multifunctional accelerator complex of NSC KIPT, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2024. №5(153), р.66-72.
        9. F. Zimmermann, O.S. Br¨uning, Y. Papaphilippou, D. Schulte, P. Sievers, V. Yakimenko, L. Rinolfi, A. Variola, F. Zomer, E.V. Bulyak, H.-H. Braun, M. Klein, Positron options for the linac-ring LHEC // Proceedings of IPAC2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, р. 3108-3110.
        10. L. Rinolfi, F. Zimmermann, E. Bulyak, P. Gladkikh, T. Omori, J. Urakawa, K. Yokoya. Superconducting positron stacking ring for CLIC // Proceedings of IPAC2011, San Sebastián, Spain, р. 1117-1119.
        Speaker: Ivan Guk (NSC KIPT)
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        Contributed talks
        Speakers: Andriy Boyarintsev (Ukraine in CMS & LHCb (tbc)), Ievgen Martynov (Odderon: predictions, bservations (tbc)), Igor Kyrylin (Ukraine in LHCb (tbc)), Leonid Levchuk (Ukraine in CMS (tbc)), Maryna Borysova (DUNE experiment (tbc)), Valery Pugath (Ukraine in LHCb (tbc)), Victor Trubnikov (Ukraine in ALICE (tbc)), Yuriy Sinuykov (Femtoscopy in HEP (tbc))
  • Wednesday, January 22
    • Session Contributed talks
      Convener: Volodymyr Davydovskyy
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        Contributed talks
        Speakers: Andriy Boyarintsev (Ukraine in CMS & LHCb (tbc)), Ievgen Martynov (Odderon: predictions, bservations (tbc)), Igor Kyrylin (Ukraine in LHCb (tbc)), Leonid Levchuk (Ukraine in CMS (tbc)), Maryna Borysova (DUNE experiment (tbc)), Valery Pugatch (Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(KINR)), Victor Trubnikov (Ukraine in ALICE (tbc)), Yuriy Sinuykov (Femtoscopy in HEP (tbc))
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        In the framework of physics beyond the Standard Model, an experiment is presented to search for a chiral graviton mode. These particles were found in a special type of liquid that behaves in a special way under the influence of a magnetic field. Studying the properties of graviton modes will provide an opportunity to understand quantum gravity.
        To study gravitational modes, inelastic scattering of photons is considered, modeled using microscopic theory with Hamiltonians at different filling factors [1]. A common feature of fractional quantum Hall (FQH) fluids is multiple graviton modes (GMs) in different subspaces in one Landau level (LL). The number of observed GMs is dynamical and meaningful for specific interaction Hamiltonians. Each GM can be interpreted as the null spaces of model Hamiltonians within one LL.
        Our goal is to present the geometric origin of GM and the hierarchical structure of conformal Hilbert spaces as null spaces of model Hamiltonians. We then introduce K-group theory to identify each set of GM excitations, which leads to a topological explanation of the emergence of multiple GM.
        We’ll use the following Hamiltonian
        $$\hat{H}=\sum_1^N\frac{1}{2m}\bar{g}^{ab}{\hat{\pi}}_{ia}{\hat{\pi}}_{ib}+\hat{V}_{int},$$ where $${\hat{\pi}}_{ia}={\hat{p}}_{ia}+e{\hat{A}}_{ia}$$ the dynamical momentum operator of the i-th electron, $A_i$ is the external vector potential, connected with magnetic field by formula $B=\epsilon^{ab}\partial_a A_{ib}$. $V_{int}$ describes the dynamics only within a single LL, the magnetic length is $l_B=\sqrt{\frac{1}{e}B}$. The Hilbert space of a single LL, referred to as the lowest LL (LLL), is parametrized by the metric $\bar{g}_{ab}$, which leads to density modes in higher LLs, known as “cyclotron gravitons". The Hilbert spaces like LLL are called conformal Hilbert spaces (CHSs) as they are generated by the conformal operators like the Virasoro algebra, known as the Virasoro constraint in string theory, applied only on the physical states. Such CHSs are built up with quasiparticles. We can use the apparatus of the K-group for calculation of Hilbert space states of charged particles for explanation of the FQHE, which are topological phases of LLLs. Since we are dealing with four types of interaction, it is appropriate to use the apparatus of vector bundles to describe a complex formation of D-brane type. B-field interacting with D-branes can be taken into account through the Dixmier-Douady invariant, which characterizes the bundles and describes the strength of the Neveu-Schwarz B-field interacting with D-branes. D-branes are topological solitons whose charges are described by Grothendieck K-groups. Reduction of twisted K-groups to an exact sequence of the form $$0\rightarrow Z\rightarrow Z\rightarrow Z_n\rightarrow 0$$ leads to the result $$K_0(S^3, n[H])=Z_n .$$
        This group value determines the topological charges of the D6-brane in the presence of the Neveu-Schwarz -field [2].

        1. Wang, Y., Yang, B., Phys. Rev. B 105, 035144 (2022).
        2. Yu. Malyuta, T. Obikhod, Reports of the NAS № 6, 84 (2001).
        Speaker: Tetiana Obikhod (Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine)
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        KINR LHCb CERN

        Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the CERN KINR Team enjoys the “PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE” horizons of its eclusive data, p scientific life participating at CERN, taking and analyzing construction and upgrade activities of the experimental setups with a clear roadmap to the end of this century!

        In this report, we present KINR activity at CERN with emphasis on LHCb Collaboration.
        LHCb (KINR since 1995 – 21 researchers)

        Speaker: Valery Pugatch (Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(KINR))